民营公司 50-150人 影视/媒体/艺术/文化传播 广告
民营公司 50-150人 影视/媒体/艺术/文化传播 广告
机构简介:上海市静安锐桥进修学校是教育市场的有生力量,由上海教育界精英创立,与上海各大名校建立战略合作伙伴关系,以“自律、奉献、求真、图强”为校训,致力于培养18岁以下学生的学习兴趣,全面提升学生学习力,培养良好学习习惯,让学习变得高效!(办学许可证号:131010671708170)Shanghai Jing`an Real Bridge Education School is the effective strength of education market, founded by the Shanghai education elite, and established strategic partnership with the famous universities and schools in Shanghai. The motto-- "self-discipline, dedication, pursuit of truth and work hard "The school is committed to cultivating the interests of students under the age of 18, to improve students' learning ability, cultivating good learning habits and making learning more efficient! (The license number: 131010671708170)